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Kuwait City

 Public Services

Emergency services

For general emergency, call 112.


Overall, Kuwait is generally safe. Violent crime against foreigners is rare. While petty crimes do occur, the best way to protect yourself is to use good common sense and to always be aware of your surroundings. Occasionally, protests take place in Kuwait City and are usually peaceful.


Visitors and foreign residents of Kuwait have no need to worry about terrorism in their day-to-day life. However, there is a general threat as terrorists continue to issue statements threatening to carry out attacks in the Gulf region. These include references to attacks on Western interests such as residential compounds, military, oil, transport and aviation interests.

Note that terrorist incidents in Kuwait are extremely rare. The last incident was on August 11, 2009 when Kuwaiti authorities reported that they had arrested six individuals accused of planning attacks on U.S. troops stationed at Camp Arifjan. No one was injured. In general, be aware of current political happenings and follow your embassy's recommendations and warnings.

Women's Safety

It is generally safe for woman to live and travel around Kuwait, but there are reports of some physical and verbal harassment. Females should keep in mind the cultural differences between Kuwait and the Western World and be cognizant that certain behaviors may draw unwanted attention. Modest dress, not making direct eye contact with strangers, and maintaining a low profile may deter harassment. Always seek assistance from the local police, in any case involving harassment or unwanted attention from men.

Natural Precautions

Besides sandstorms, there's little else that happens here. When sandstorms do occur, it's best to stay home. Driving can be extremely dangerous, and it's recommended that you stay off the roads until visibility has increased.


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