Foro Sydney

Foros de la expatriación en Sydney: Haz preguntas y participa en las discusiones de los expatriados.

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✎ EN Finding a job in the artistic and cultural sector - Sydney

Tema en 'Sydney' comenzado por lolopnsatou, 28 de Julio de 2014.

  1. lolopnsatou

    lolopnsatou New Member

    Se incorporó:
    28 de Julio de 2014
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Francés (FR)
    french, english
    Hi everyone,

    I'll be moving in Sydney next January.
    My fiancé has been accepted in a University in Sydney so we've decided to leave together for a new couple experience!

    I graduated last year in Cultural and Artistic management. I've been working a year as mediator at the Foundation Cartier for contemporary art in Paris.

    Australia/Sydney are really new for me. I barely know this city. I know there're several visas that allow you to work but, if i understood correctly, there's only one that can fit with what i want to do (working in my field), the visas 457 or sponsored visas.
    I have to find one before leaving Paris.

    I started this new subject to be advised about the art sector in Sydney and also to see if anyone would be interested in hiring a competent, "willing to work hard" parisian!

    Thank you for your help!!!

    Hope to get some answers to talk and exchange about it.

  2. Cyrilexpat

    Cyrilexpat Administrator
    Miembro del Equipo Editor

    Se incorporó:
    5 de Octubre de 2012
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Reino Unido
    Francés (FR)
    Français, English, Italiano (un pó)
    Many thanks for your message (I moved it to the Sydney forum where it seems more relevant).
    In addition to the forum, have a look at our expat guide on Sydney to find help and information to prepare your move to Australia:

    Best of luck!
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