Forum Geneva

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✎ EN Moving to Geneva - wife of an Expat

Discussion in 'Geneva' started by Vic.b, Oct 25, 2018.

  1. Vic.b

    Vic.b New Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    Living In:
    Italian (IT)
    Italiano, English
    Hi everyone,

    My husband just accepted a job offer in Geneva. His gross annual salary will be of 135.000 CHF and he will start in January. The company offered to cover rent for the first two months and to hire at their expense an agency to look for an apartment on his behalf. We're from Italy and the first tought was that this was an offer we couldn't refuse.

    We're discussing though if it might be the case for me to follow him right away. I would be unemployed and we're looking to have a child, so I might be pregnant. We know in Geneva there's no "help" for pregnant women and that if you're pregnant it's pointless to look for a job. So the question would be: in your experience would it be better for me to remain in Italy for a while, eventually have a baby here and then follow or do you think it's possible for me to go, start looking for a job there, knowing I might start working in a while? Is it affordable for us to live mainly on his salary? Would we be economically unconfortable?

    You need to know I only speak Italian and English, I haven't learnt French yet.

    Hope you'll help, we need all the suggestions you can offer.
  2. Cyrilexpat

    Cyrilexpat Administrator
    Staff Member Editor

    Oct 5, 2012
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    Living In:
    United Kingdom
    French (FR)
    Français, English, Italiano (un pó)
    135 000 CHF is a big salary (~120 000 EUR), even when considering that life in Switzerland is much more expensive than in the neighbourhood countries.
    This is true that you finding a job while pregnant is very unlikely in Geneva but living on his salary should not be a problem (of course depending on your way of living - but I have example of a family with 3 children who made the move to Lausanne on a similar package).
    And wouldn't be better to be together making arrangements while expecting the new baby?

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