Forum Qatar

Forum degli Stranieri in Qatar: Poni delle domande e partecipa a discussioni riguardanti la vita all'estero

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✎ EN US citizen looking for job in Qatar

Discussione in 'Qatar' iniziata da Iman Arya, 6 Agosto 2019.

  1. Iman Arya

    Iman Arya New Member

    6 Agosto 2019
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    San Diego
    Stati Uniti
    Americano (US)
    English, Russian, Farsi
    Hello everyone,
    I’m sorry for the typical question I'm sure has been posted many times, but I really need help with finding a job in Qatar or Dubai, and gratefully appreciated any suggestion, advice, or information about how to find a job in Qatar.

    Due to a family situation I MUST move to Qatar or Dubai no later than this coming October (2019), and most probably will end up staying there for 3-4 years.

    I'm 28 years old, US citizen, single, and have a degree in mechanical engineering from University of California, San Diego. I have previously studied in Ukraine and speak Russian as well. I am familiar with the culture; can read Arabic clearly and comprehend it to some extent. I have 9 years of work experience, including 4 years of industry related experience. I have worked on a couple of projects from NASA JPL, and currently work for a company within the microprocessors industry.

    I have been looking for jobs in Qatar/Dubai through recruiting agencies, website like,,,,,, and have paid for premium accounts for most of these websites, which adds up to almost $200/month but absolutely no luck, not even a rejection. Also, I have even made some connections in Qatar, and a friend had referred me to some people he knew in the construction industry, but again nothing.

    It’s a really though situation because I must go there by October and I need a job to be able to stay there. I would prefer to work as an engineer, but at this point I would do any kind of job that can help me pay for my expenses until I find a job in my field. I know it is an expensive country and I'm really worried about moving there without a job.

    I really appreciate any suggestion or information, and it would be a big help to me.
    Thank you all.
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